2021 – 2027
The Military Academy “General Mihailo Apostolski” – Skopje supports the activities in the international cooperation within the ERASMUS + programme, ensuring student exchange not only from military academies but also from civilian universities corresponding with particular study programs for the benefit of the students and successful inter-university cooperation. Furthermore, apart from the defence and security sciences, in accordance with the adopted programs, the Academy supports development in the following fields: civil engineering, logistics, electric engineering, telecommunication, protection and rescue, as well as crisis management. The programs refer to undergraduate and graduate studies, whereas the defence and security sciences are provided to the PhD students.
The students receive high level education at all three study cycles, acquiring diverse experience and skills, particularly in the field of defence and security, and protection and rescue, reinforced by practical exercises. The Military Academy continuously promotes the regional security cooperation adapted also to the needs of the civilian society, building the institutional capabilities and personnel, leadership development in accordance with theprinciples of ethics and long-term life experiences, the application of which can ensure personal and public security.
Regarding the student exchange, apart from offering study programs in English, the Military Academy provides language courses in Macedonian, as well as familiarization with the Macedonian culture and tradition. Visits to significant historical and cultural locations and events.
The students who are entirely dedicated to the defence and security studies, we envisage participation in the exercises for acquiring practical skills.
The Military Academy has envisaged development goals by 2027 referring to all eligible students to have studied at least one semester in English in a partner university (faculty), most master study programs taught in English and in cooperation with partner universities successful participation of PhD students in scientific conferences, publishing scientific papers in esteemed scientific journals, preferably with impact factor. Thus, in future, the Military Academy will provide a plethora of opportunities for scientific research on the master and PhD studies in English. The teaching staff of the Military Academy actively participates in international conferences and scientific-research projects in the field of defence and security, logistics, protection and rescue, IT a Cyber security, crisis management and peace and development with international impact, especially by enhancing regional scientific cooperation and improving the institutional capabilities of cooperation in cases of disasters. The Military Academy also strives to implement the ERASMUS + programme in the development of the entire academy staff, including the administrative personnel, and through the cooperation with corresponding faculties they will be provided with experience and skills in the field.
The acquired international experience through the ERASMUS + programme will help our institution promote academic excellence and inter-university cooperation.
Dean of the Military Academy
Prof. Dr. Mitko Bogdanoski, colonel, p.s.
The Military Academy plans to implement the ERASMUS + programme abiding by the following principles in accordance with the State University “Goce Delchev”-Shtip, as its associate member:
❖ Fully abide by the principles of non-discrimination, providing equal opportunities to mobile participants of all backgrounds. Dynamic and innovative programs inspiring personal development.
❖ Ensure full recognition for satisfactorily completed activities of study mobility and traineeships respectively regarding attained credits (ECTS). Ensure inclusion of completed study and/or traineeship mobility activities in the final record of student achievements (Diploma supplement or equivalent).
❖ Charge no fees regarding credit mobility to incoming students for tuition, registration or access to laboratory and library facilities.
The Military Academy commits to:
Before Mobility
❖ publish and update the course catalogue on the website of the Academy well in advance of the mobility periods in coordination with the National
Agency of European Educational Programmes and Mobility, with the purpose of transparency to all the parties and allow mobile students to make well-informed choices about the courses they will follow.
❖ Implement mobility in accordance with prior agreements between institutions. These agreements define the respective roles and responsibilities of the parties, as well as their commitment to shared quality criteria in the selection, preparation, reception and integration of mobile participants.
❖ Provide sufficient preparation to the outgoing mobile participants with respect to the mobility, ensuring the necessary level of language proficiency.
❖ Ensure the student and staff mobility are implemented in accordance with a learning agreement for students and a mobility agreement for staff validated in advance between the home and host institutions and the mobile participants, signed with partner institutions prior to announcing the mobility call with validity for the period of the Charter.
❖ Provide assistance in terms of obtaining visas, if applicable, to incoming and outgoing mobile participants.
❖ Provide assistance in terms of insurance, if applicable, to incoming and outgoing mobile participants.
❖ Provide guidance to incoming mobile participants in finding accommodation.
❖ Provide assistance to the incoming students through participation of home students during the mobility period.
During Mobility
❖ Ensure equal academic treatment and services for home students and staff and incoming mobile participants.
❖ Integrate incoming mobile participants into the Academy’s everyday life.
❖ Have in place appropriate linguistic support to incoming participants.
❖ Provide Macedonian language courses to the incoming students.
After Mobility
❖ Accept all activities indicated in the learning agreement as counting towards the degree, provided these have been satisfactorily completed by the mobile students in coordination with the guidelines provided by the ECTS coordinator.
❖ Provide incoming mobile participants and their home institutions with transcripts containing a full, accurate and timely record of their achievements at the end of their mobility period.
❖ Support the reintegration of mobile participants and give them the opportunity, upon return, to build on their experiences for the benefit of the Institution and their peers.
❖ Ensure that staff are given recognition for their teaching and training activities undertaken during the mobility period, based on a mobility agreement.
Participation in European and International Cooperation Projects
❖ Ensure that cooperation leads to sustainable and balanced outcomes for all partners.
❖ Provide relevant support to staff and students participating in these activities.
❖ Exploit the results of the projects in a way that will maximize their impact on individuals and participating institutions and encourage peer learning with the wider academic community.
❖ Provide support for scientific-research projects with educational and other institutions, which will have a benefit for the wider society.
❖ Display this Charter and the related Erasmus Statement prominently on the Academy’s website.
❖ Promote consistently activities supported by the Programme, along with their results.
❖ Present and promote mobility activities and benefits thereof to the Academy’s employees.
ERASMUS + Office of the Military Academy “General Mihailo Apostolski” – Skopje
ERASMUS + Coordinator Asst. Prof. Ljupcho Shosholovski, PhD, p.s.
ERASMUS + Deputy Coordinator Elena Trajanovska, MA, p.s.