All the cadets of the Military Academy are accommodated in the dormitory in the barracks where the Academy is located, and meals are provided in the cadets restaurant. The Academy offers high-quality conditions of accommodation and meals, having in mind the academic as well as physical tasks cadets have to perform. The incoming mobile participants are accommodated in the dormitory of the Military Academy with no more than two other roommates, providing the incoming students with the opportunity to also learn the Macedonian language and better understand the Macedonian culture. Incoming students are required to bring an insurance document from their home countries, which is to be commenced in the Republic of Macedonia upon the processing of the necessary documentation is completed. Having in mind that the Military Academy is located in the “Goce Delchev” barracks in Skopje, incoming students are provided with the highest level of security and assistance available 24 hours, 7 days a week. All incoming students (cadets) will be assisted by two appointed students (cadets), who will be made available to coordinate and assist them throughout the period of mobility.
Incoming students and incoming staff are provided upon arrival in the country a Macedonian language course with a duration of two weeks or 75 classes (amounting to 3 ECTS). The Military Academy organizes and conducts a number of cultural activities such as: visit to the Faculty of Philology, Department of Macedonian Language and Literature and the Department of Slavic Languages, and the Institute of Macedonian Language in order to familiarize the incoming students (cadets) and incoming staff with the Macedonian language and culture. As part of the regular learning of the Macedonian language and culture, the Academy also organizes visits of the most important cultural institutions, such as museums, and a number of trips to natural and cultural centers of the country. The appointed personnel from the Military Academy in charge of coordination and assistance of the incoming students (cadets) and incoming staff also provide the opportunity of greater immersion and socialization of the incoming students and incoming staff.
The monitoring of the performance of the incoming participants commences upon their arrival in the Republic of Macedonia and the completion of the Macedonian language course, and continues through the selected subjects during the semester, because some of the incoming participants might not be oriented to the military areas and training, thus requiring classes in the field of technical sciences, social sciences, security sciences. If the incoming participants are cadets from other Military Academy in accordance with their military branch, they will take part in the military training and exercises organized and conducted for the Macedonian cadets. The monitoring of the activities of the incoming participants shall be conducted by an appointed officer from the Military Academy in charge of successful completion of the planned activities in cooperation with the professors teaching the selected subjects. All the professors and the officer appointed to conduct the aforementioned monitoring are obligated to send a progress report to the ERASMUS Office, which are then forwarded to the respective institutions incoming participants come from. The Military Academy shall submit a transcript containing all relevant details and grade report (ECTS) for each incoming student (cadet) to the sending institution as well as one personal copy for the student (cadet) in question.