Onthe 6thof March, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., within the offcies of the Macedonian miltary academy, a meeting was held to welcome the cadetsfrom the US Army’s Military academy at "West Point”.
Namely, the cadets who arrived at the Military academy "General Mihailo Apostolski" - Skopje on the 4thof March, 2023 as part of a cadet exchange program between the two military educational institutions, were first welcomed by the Dean of the Military academy, Col. Dr. Mitko Bogdanovski, fullprofessorwho expressed hissatisfaction that these cadets come from the best Military academy in the world. At the same time, the Dean emphasized that suchinternational activities represent excellent opportunities for the exchange of experiences and deepening thecooperation between the two institutions, and this is precisely why they are the focus of the Macedonian military academy. At the same time, the Dean wished the cadets from the US a pleasant stay and a fruitful working week, while presenting the program with the activities in which these cadets will take part, such as a visit to multiplearmy units, the Macedonianpilot training center, the main army training grounds atKrivolak and numerous landmarks of bothculturaland historicalsignificance.
After the meeting, the cadets from the US attended a presentation about the Military academy "General Mihailo Apostolski" - Skopje, which showcased the military academy’s missionas the only military-educational institution in the country, its capacities and the quality of education that its students acquirefor the duration of their studies. The emphasis was also put on the academy’sinternational cooperationeffors, which areplaced in the foreground of the academy's commitments, and which implya greater number of similar activities, that is, student exchanges, exchange of educational staff and active participation in international projects.
The US cadets also had the opportunity to make a presentation about theiracademy– West Point, and it was interesting to see that the cadets at both academies go through a similarly rigorous selection process to earn the opportunity to be educated at one of the most prestigious militaryeducational institutions in the world. The cadets from the US stressedthat they are extremely grateful for the opportunity to visit the Military academy "General Mihailo Apostolski" - Skopje and that they hope that in the future the cooperation between the two institutions will allow other cadets from the US to visit the Military academy and in general, N.Macedonia.