Start of a two-day exercise in the field of cyber security and crisis communication organized by the Military Academy

03/11/2024 - 17:46

In response to the ongoing threats in the field of cyber security and the need to address them by institutions, the Military Academy organized a two-day exercise (TTX - Table Top Exercise) in Chisinau, Moldova, from March 11-12, 2024, gathering experts in the field of cyber security, as well as communicators and public relations personnel from numerous institutions in the country.

At the opening ceremony, the Dean of the Military Academy emphasized the necessity of education in this field, as well as the involvement of experts from various sectors in dealing with cyber security crises. In this context, Prof. Dr. Bogdanoski highlighted the crucial role of crisis communication in the dynamics of dealing with cyber crises.

Opening remarks were given by Todd Spires, Director of Digital Resilience Programs at CRDF Global, Daniel Voda, Spokesperson for the Government of the Republic of Moldova, Alexandru Coretchi, Director of Information Technology and Cyber Security Service, and Julie Limoges, Economic officer at the US Embassy in Chisinau.

The activity enables participants to engage in interactive sessions discussing new cyber security threats, as well as practical exercises in communication skills needed to manage crisis communication during cyber crises.

The event is sponsored by the U.S. State Department and conducted in cooperation with CRDF Global, the Cyber Security, Corporate Security, and Crisis Management Initiative - C3I Skopje and CySeg.