Ass. Ms.C. Monika Kachurova

Асис. м-р. Моника Качурова
Оделението за напредни образовни технологии и симулацсика поддршка
Senior Associate
Head of Dept, Captain

Responsible for managing technology, informatics and telecommunications systems in the teaching process

Monika Kachurova was born on 05.02.1993 in Veles, where she also graduated from primary school. She finished high school at Kocho Racin Gymnasium in Veles, a socio-humanist B direction, with excellent grades. Unmarried. By nationality, she's Macedonian.

2019, Master of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology in Communications and Information Technology, UKIM, FEIT, Skopje
Training and development
2021, Operational Training Experience Course (Cyber Security), Regional Readiness Training Center, Northfield, Vermont
Membership in pro-scientific associations
2021, Member of C3Initiative - Cyber Security, Corporate Security, and Crisis Management Initiative
Information technology
Has certified knowledge in information technologies and actively uses all office applications.
Work experience
2021, Teaching assistant at the Military Academy
2019, Officer for Information Systems and Services in the Army
Scientific papers
2022, 5G technology: implementation in renewable energy systems
2022, Lattice-based cryptography: A Quantum approach to secure the Internet of Things technology
2022, 5G Security Challenges and Solutions- An Overview