Responsible for teaching Information and Communications Technology subjects and holding lectures on Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level. Next, beside teaching, he is reponsible for doing researching in IT, web programming, technology and softver application.
Asoc. Prof. Dr. sc. Jugoslav Achkoski is born on October 20, 1976 in Prilep. He has finished basi primary and secondary education in Skopje. Also, he is married and is father of two children. Nationality: Macedonian. Regarding skills, he has a lot of experience in research, teaching and managing. The research, which is done by Dr. Achkoski, is related to system development in emergency medicine and he has published several papers in scientific journals with impact factor related to his field of research. Next regarding research, he does research about improving detection and monitoring forest fires in the National Parks. Furthermore, he has been part of 3(three) Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM), which have been funded by European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) actions. Two of the mentioned STSM was part of COST action entitled European Network for the Joint Evaluation of Connected Health Technologies (ENJECT) and one is a part of COST action entitled Architectures, Algorithms and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE). The managing aspect may be proven by that that he has been leading several international and national projects as a project manager. The international projects, which are run by Dr. Achkoski, are funded by the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS), European Commission IPA II Programme - European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations and Kingdom of Norway.