International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls, November 25th

11/26/2024 - 16:39

The Military Academy, as a leader in the academic and institutional sphere, joined global action on behalf of recognition of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls, November 25th. This year, the event took place under the United Nations slogan #NoExcuse and the global 16-day campaign of activism aimed at eradicating all forms of gender-based violence. All activities conclude on December 10th, International Human Rights Day.

On this occasion, an "orange-themed" panel was organized in the amphitheater of the Military Academy for first, second, and third-year cadets and their commanders. The event was formally opened by the Dean, Prof. Dr. Mitko Bogdanovski, Colonel, who expressed strong support for the campaign. In his address, the Dean emphasized that the strength of true leaders lies not in violence, and that the Military Academy is committed to developing such future leaders.

The panel also featured Prof. Dr. Nevena Serafimova, the first woman elected to the position of Vice Dean at the Military Academy. Contributions included presentations by Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Grizhev, Major and certified gender trainer, who spoke about the global agenda for women, peace, and security as well as institutional mechanisms for addressing gender-based violence; Prof. Biljana Karovska Anodnovska, who discussed physical and mental integrity as fundamental human rights; and Prof. Dr. Lazar Gjurov, Lieutenant Colonel, who conducted a brief workshop on assertiveness as a way to build healthy relationships, authority, and mutual respect. Additionally, Prof. Dr. Andrej Iliev provided a historical perspective on the issue.

The panel was moderated by Assistant Prof. Dr. Vesna Poposka, who highlighted the importance of the Istanbul Convention and recalled the legacy of the Mirabal sisters in the fall of the Trujillo regime and their impact on global history.

The event was organized by the Department of Crisis Management, Protection, and Rescue in collaboration with the Department of Social Sciences.