Kick-off meeting of Military Academy team for the international project Erasmus+ KA210-ADU - Small-scale partnerships in adult education entitled: Integration of social and digital learning

02/03/2023 - 08:06

On 27th January 2023, an initial meeting was held with the main project coordinator BEYTUSSEBAP HALK EGITIM MERKEZI (the Center for Public Education from the Republic of Turkey). Besides the Republic of Turkey as a main project coordinator, other participants in the project are: Military Academy "Gen. Mihailo Apostolski" from the Republic of North Macedonia, Comité de Liaison Diagonal France from the Republic of France and Asociacion para el Desarrollo socio Emocional UNU from Valencia, Republic of Spain.

The project will be implemented during the period from 12.30.2022 to 12.30.2024.

At the initial meeting, the main coordinator of the project BEYTUSSEBAP HALK EGITIM MERKEZI highlighted the following agenda for the implementation of the project:

  • Exchange and transfer of effective practices for implementation of digital learning in society;
  • Organization of adult education models for unemployed migrants;

In this phase of the project, the following thematic units are planned and they will be processed through the organization of workshops on the following topics:

  • Active citizenship and building effective resistant communities and municipalities,
  • Cultural differences and an integrated approach to overcoming them;
  • Openness and inclusiveness of state and private institutions for migrants;
  • Exchange of lifestyles in urban areas;
  • Methodology of social communication, digital literature and education intended for persons who have the status of migrants with temporary residence and asylum seekers.

During the initial meeting, the following activities were defined:

  • Templates for creating a preliminary research report;
  • Good examples and practices for the inclusion of migrants in society;
  • Web platform of the project;
  • Methodology and new trends for training;
  • Research bulletins;
  • Templates for creating research documentation and a summary book of research results from the project;
  • - Dantogram for future meetings;
  • Guidelines for creating a digital platform and podcasts to intensify press and web campaigns;
  • Creation of radio and television podcasts on YouTube for the inclusion and integration of migrants in societies;

Before the end of this official meeting, the future activities of the project were reviewed and it was determined that the next meeting of the committees from the countries participating in the project will be held in the Republic of Turkey at the beginning of April 2023.
