Fifth International meeting of the ISDL project

10/10/2024 - 20:36

               According to the project schedule, during the 30-th september to 04-th October 2024 in Skopje was held   meeting for ERASMUS+ KA210-ADU - Small-scale partnerships in adult education Strategic Partnership  ProjectNo. 2022-1-TR01-KA210-ADU-000084905 with topic: IntegrationbysocialanddigitallearningThe participants of the project meeting were:Republic of Turkey, organization BeytüşşebapHalkEğitimMerkeziMüdürlüğüas a main Coordinator of the project,Republic of France, organization Comitéde LiaisonDiagonal (Partner), Military academy “Gen. Mihailo Apostoslki”, Skopje (Host partner) and Republic of Spain, Asociación para el Desarrollo    socioemocional de la persona, la sociedad y para la cooperación    InternacionalUno(Partner).

            According to meeting schedule, on 01-th October  participants at 09:00 AM visited the Military academy “Gen. Mihailo Apostolski” in Skopje. After the ice-breaking activity, the participants took a tour of military academy facilities. From 10.00-11.00 h Military academy staff, MsC Sasa Smileski, teaching assistant, captain gave brief presentation of Military academy activities with emphasis of international cooperation and on-going international projects most of them founded by European union. Project participants talked  about evaluation of the overview project activities and summarized future activities. Finaly, from 13.00-13.45 h project participants have an opportunity to get latest information about migrants’ waves of departure and arrival states. Also trough tables and figures participants have an overview of migrants situation on reginal and European level.

At the end, participants get information about social interaction and inclusion activities in states where the migrants have persistent stay. The lecture was delivered by Dr Scs Aleksandar Grizev, associate professor from Military academy, Head of Social science department in Military academy.

       Second day 02-th October, from 10:00-12.00 AM: Participants had the opportunity tovisit the International Red Cross of Macedonia. This meeting facilities the Red Cross activities theoretically and practically in the field on overall treating of migrants: necessary help, social inclusion and interaction.

       Then from, 13.00-15.00 h Participants have an amazing opportunity to visit the Asylum seekers center in municipality of Vizbegovo. Here the participants have unordinary possibility to see the dining rooms, bedroom facilities, recreative and other types of infrastructure facilities for the need and accommodation of migrants and similar category of people. Participants have an brief presentation of law regulation of Macedonia for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants.

       Third day, 03-th  Octoberfrom 10:00-14.00h, participants of the project visited the municipality ofSuto Orizari wherethey have an opportunity to meet withMr. Kurto Dudus, Mayor of Suto Orizari municipality. This meeting providedvaluableinsightsintoyouth-relatedinitiativesandmulticulturalcooperation. According to the schedule and plan of the municipality, the participants have opportunity to see: Center for children in social risk, primary school and high school of this municipality where we have bends, art groups and other youth organizations and NGO which beside normal children integrates category of youngsters which are children in social risk.

       After this event the V-th International meeting of the ISDL project had came to his end and fluffiest the targets and guidelines for this upcoming event. We express our gratitude to all participants, partner organizations, and individualswhocontributedtothesuccessofthisinternational meetinginSkopje.Wealsoextendour appreciation to the host organizations and institutions for their warm hospitality      and support. The final conference of the ISDL project will be held in Skopje during December 2024.