The Military Academy – Organizer of a Two-day Cyber Security Drill (Tabletop Exercise – TTX)

07/07/2022 - 19:01

On July 7 and 8, 2022, The Military Academy, as a recognized leader in the field of cybersecurity in the region, under the auspices of the US State Department, in cooperation with CRDF GLOBAL and the Cyber Security, Corporate Security and Crisis Management Initiative – C3I Skopje, conducted a two-day CYBER SECURITY DRILL (Tabletop Exercise – TTX).
The event was attended by over 30 cyber professionals from CERT/CSIRT, key public and private sectors related to cybersecurity, including critical infrastructure providers from the Republic of Albania, the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of North Macedonia.

The Dean of the Military Academy, Prof. Dr. Sc. Mitko Bogdanoski opened the event with an introductory address, pointing out the importance of cooperation among cybersecurity experts from various public and private institutions from the region and beyond for updating knowledge and skills, as well as creating a robust framework in dealing with challenges in this domain. During the introductory session, James Stein, USAID representative in North Macedonia also addressed all attendees and emphasized that today’s activity is of immense importance as a capacity-building initiative for the countries in the region regarding their determination to raise the level of cybersecurity efficiency and protection against modern threats.

The TTX was started by Prof. Dr. Sc. Mitko Bogdanoski’s lecture on the following topic “Confronting Contemporary Cybersecurity Challenges”. The lecture that followed was given by MA Marjan Stoilkovski on the topic of “Cyberattack Vectors and Cybercrime Investigation” (related to the TTX scenario). The first session of cutting-edge introductory lectures culminated with a presentation on the “Strategic and Legal Aspects of Governing Responses to Cyber-Based Threats”, presented by Prof. Dr. Sc. Metodi Hadji Janev.

During the second day of the activity, the participants had an opportunity to work on a practical exercise in accordance with a scenario reflecting the target countries’ dynamic in the field of cybersecurity. Moreover, the participants worked in two teams, analyzing the strategic and legal aspects of challenges institutions face in cyberspace, as well as the methods to be used to overcome them on an operative and technical level.