Universidade Lusofona - Portugal


The Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies, as a University, was founded in 1998. Since its inception, the University has had as its objectives “teaching, research in the various fields of science, culture and technologies, in an interdisciplinary perspective and, especially, for the development of Portuguese-speaking countries and peoples”.

The University resulted from the merger of ISMAG – Higher Institute of Applied Mathematics and Management, a University institute, and ISHT – Higher Institute of Humanities and Technology, a polytechnic institute, both founded in 1989 by the same founding entity of Universidade Lusófona, the COFAC.

The Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies is the largest private university in Portugal. The entity legally responsible for the management and development of the University is COFAC – Cooperative for Training and Cultural Animation, a non-profit educational entity with facilities in Lisbon, Portugal, which is currently the largest non-profit educational organization in Portugal and is not financed by the State in the country.

The name of the University comes from the word “Lusofonia” which refers to all Portuguese-speaking countries and their common linguistic and cultural background. The University campus is located in the city center of Lisbon, capital of Portugal.

Universidade Lusófona is an equal opportunity university, currently with a student body of more than 11,350 students and 1,500 professors.

The University is organized around 10 faculties that constitute the main institutional unit.

Currently, the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies offers 37 degrees, 43 Masters, 3 Integrated Masters, 10 doctoral programs and 42 postgraduate courses. All courses at the University meet European requirements for higher education, and comply with the European Union Credit Transfer System (ECTS). All University degrees are accredited by A3ES, the Portuguese higher education assessment and accreditation body.