A two-day capacity-Building training was accomplished in hotel Sirius – Strumica. During the training representatives from local media, academia, local business sector and CSOS increased online literacy against disinformation, propaganda and gender mainstream but also against other forms of hybrid-based threats via cyberspace. The trainees had the opportunity to learn:
- from NATO, and renowned International and regional experts about disinformation, propaganda and other forms of hybrid-based tactics and methods via cyberspace.
- about NATO efforts to counter disinformation, propaganda and other forms of hybrid-based threats via cyberspace;
- about NATO’s role in promoting greater understanding and dialogue on the topic of gender mainstreaming and counter-disinformation and the importance of equality of women in defense and security sectors;
- hear a first-hand experience from renowned experts research and work in the field about the latest developments including the disinformation and propaganda during Worldwide pandemic COVID – 19;
- Understand why countering these threats via cyberspace requires strengthened coordination among international organizations, particularly between NATO and EU;
- Learn about Hybrid warfare in Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine’s cyberspace;
- Learn about good international and regional practices, initiatives and experience against these threats and how regional cooperation can strengthen national resilience;
- Understanding the legal challenges in the fight against disinformation, propaganda and hybrid threats and the concept of cyber resilient societies;
- Facilitate an understanding of the concept of resilience and why NATO needs resilient Allies;
- Learn about national efforts (including strategic documents and legislation) and challenges to fight disinformation, propaganda and hybrid-based threats via cyberspace;
- Understand national stakeholders’ role in fighting disinformation, propaganda and other forms of hybrid-based threats via cyberspace. Take part in Scenario-based exercise (work in groups) and work on baseline study-research & policy recommendations.
- Understand how disinformation, propaganda and hybrid base threats can target citizens and institutions and become community and a national security threat;
- Identify disinformation, propaganda and other forms of hybrid-based threats via cyberspace;
- Understand who, when, why and how is responsible to fight disinformation;
- Research the trends in the area and the policy used in the world;
- from NATO, and renowned International and regional experts about disinformation, propaganda and other forms of hybrid-based tactics and methods via cyberspace.
- about NATO efforts to counter disinformation, propaganda and other forms of hybrid-based threats via cyberspace;
- about NATO’s role in promoting greater understanding and dialogue on the topic of gender mainstreaming and counter-disinformation and the importance of equality of women in defense and security sectors;
- hear a first-hand experience from renowned experts research and work in the field about the latest developments including the disinformation and propaganda during Worldwide pandemic COVID – 19;
- Understand why countering these threats via cyberspace requires strengthened coordination among international organizations, particularly between NATO and EU;
- Learn about Hybrid warfare in Estonia, Georgia and Ukraine’s cyberspace;
- Learn about good international and regional practices, initiatives and experience against these threats and how regional cooperation can strengthen national resilience;
- Understanding the legal challenges in the fight against disinformation, propaganda and hybrid threats and the concept of cyber resilient societies;
- Facilitate an understanding of the concept of resilience and why NATO needs resilient Allies;
- Learn about national efforts (including strategic documents and legislation) and challenges to fight disinformation, propaganda and hybrid-based threats via cyberspace;
- Understand national stakeholders’ role in fighting disinformation, propaganda and other forms of hybrid-based threats via cyberspace. Take part in Scenario-based exercise (work in groups) and work on baseline study-research & policy recommendations.