Gymnázium Tomáše Garrigua Masaryka (GTGM) is a special type of school which combines upper part of primary school and the entire educational period of high school. These types of school focuses on general education with specialiased courses and semminars during the studies. GTGM currently has about 300 students, aged 12-20. Our school has a rich history, it is over 70 years old. However, we try to adhere to modern aspects of teaching as much as possible. We are located in the center of Litvínov, which is a small city, situated in northern parts of Czechia. As we are a smaller instution, we value family-like atmosphere and relationships with colleagues as well as students. We offer special courses and take part in many national competitions – be it history, geography, foreign languages, biology, etc. We also have a small selection of extra curricular activities such as racing with remote controlled vehicles, orchestra or dungeons and dragons playing groups. You can find additional information on our website: