On December 23, 2024, during a formal ceremony organized at the Military Academy, diplomas were awarded to cadets and students who successfully completed their education. At the event, the Dean of the Military Academy presented diplomas for the completion of the first cycle of studies to the 23rd class, diplomas for the completion of the second cycle of studies, as well as diplomas for the completion of specialization in command and staff training
12/25/2024 - 13:39
05/25/2023 - 08:50
12/29/2022 - 13:12
08/29/2022 - 11:59
05/05/2022 - 11:00
08/29/2022 - 11:59
05/05/2022 - 11:00
12/25/2024 - 13:39
05/20/2024 - 15:25
06/14/2023 - 18:50
12/29/2022 - 13:12
08/29/2022 - 11:59
A Transformative Workshop Experience on Empowering Distributed Learning Approach to Enhance Disaster Risk Management and Strengthen Resilience:
06/30/2023 - 08:00
On June 28th, a SETOFF’s project Workshop No.2, titled "Empowering Distributed Learning Approach to Enhance Disaster Risk Management and Strengthen Resilience" took place, leaving participants with valuable insights into the latest advancements in SETOFF’s project and its application into empowering resilience on public and local communities’ level.
06/16/2023 - 21:18
The Military Academy, known for its expertise in cybersecurity, organized a two-day CYBER SECURITY DRILL (Tabletop Exercise - TTX) on May 12 and 13, 2023. The event, sponsored by the US State Department and in collaboration with CRDF GLOBAL and the Cyber Security, Corporate Security, and Crisis Management Initiative - C3I Skopje, aimed to enhance cybersecurity practices. More than 30 cyber professionals from CERT/CSIRT and key public and private sectors attended, including critical infrastructure providers from Moldova.
The Dean of the Military Academy, Prof. Dr. Sc. Mitko Bogdanoski, commenced the event by emphasizing the significance of cooperation among cybersecurity experts from different institutions to update their knowledge and skills and establish a robust framework to address challenges in the field. During the introductory session, Mr. Alexandru Koretchi, the director of the IT and Cyber Security Service, delivered a speech emphasizing the paramount importance of this event for both institutions and the state. He highlighted the pressing need to address the increasing abuse of cyberspace for achieving strategic objectives.
Celebration of June 14 - the Day of the Military Academy
06/14/2023 - 18:50
In a solemn atmosphere, in the presence of supporters, colleagues, and friends, the Military Academy celebrated its 28th anniversary on June 14, 2023. The ceremony took place near the Dean's Office of the Military Academy, in the "Goce Delcev" Barracks in Skopje, in the presence of high representatives from the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces, and other numerous partner institutions. At the very beginning, the Dean greeted those present, reflecting on the most important achievements and successes of the institution, elaborating on the contribution of all stakeholders in the Academy since its establishment. In this context, the Dean expressed special gratitude to former employees, including professors, deans, administrative staff, and others, for their role in laying the foundations of this important institution, unique in character in our country.
Final Transnational Meeting of the Erasmus+ Project "Integrating Digital Learning Competencies into the Education Curriculum"
05/24/2023 - 17:00
The Erasmus+ project "Integrating Digital Learning Competencies into the Education Curriculum" had its final meeting in Prague from 19th May to 20th May 2023. The meeting brought together participants from the Czech Republic, North Macedonia, Portugal, Turkie, and Finland, who collaborated to achieve the project's objectives.
05/11/2023 - 21:40
The meeting started with welcoming speech by coordinator Mrs Setenay ÇAYIR and Mr Ferat ÜNSAL, which briefly presented the purpose of the project, results, users and the current phase of the project. After the opening speech, each of the project partners had the opportunity to present their institutions and the activities they are conducting. The meeting discussed future tasks, including the PRELIMINARY REPORT on the state of integration policy in partner countries, as well as the timeframe in which they should be implemented.
3RD Transnational Meeting Held at the Military Academy; Active Collaboration with the Greek, Belgian and Spanish Partners within the Erasmus+ Project - SETOFF
04/05/2023 - 15:35
Gathering partners from Greece, Belgium and Spain, the Military Academy “General Mihailo Apostolski” – Skopje organized the third transnational meeting within the Erasmus+ Project – SETOFF in the period from 4-5 March 2023.
The meeting focused on discussions and analyses of the Train the Trainer cycle, the first iteration of which was held in March in Kavala, Greece. Moreover, final decisions wore made on the e-training curriculum, which will be made available to all eligible participants from all participating countries via the e-learning platform created within the project. In this context, Professors from the Military Academy conduct training, specifically tailored to the needs of the project beneficiaries aimed at effective and efficient course creation within the project’s e-learning platform.
Great success and extensive participation to the International Training event for Civil Protection in Kavala
03/10/2023 - 16:26
The three‐day work of the VET‐SHORT‐TERM JOINT STAFF TRAINING EVENT (training in the framework of the Smart Education and Training Programme for employees of central government and local government setoff) took place in Kavala in a heavy ambience and with the thought to those who were affected by the tragic railway accident in Tempi (Greece) last week (1‐3/3/2023).
During the three‐day training event, the crucial importance of specialized and up-to-date training, using state‐of‐the‐art technology, was highlighted for those who are called to manage crises and risks and coordinate teams of professionals and/or volunteers for the timely, safe and effective response to natural and manmade disasters
Welcome meeting with the West Point cadets from the USA
03/08/2023 - 12:02
На ден 06ти март 2023 година, во времетрање од 10:00 до 11:30 часот, се реализираше состанок за пречек на питомците од Воената академија “West Point”од Соединетите Американски Држави.
Имено, питомците кои пристигнаа на Воената академија “Генерал Михаило Апостолски” – Скопје на 04ти март 2023 година како дел од програма за студентска размена на питомци помеѓу двете воено-образовни институции, најпрво беа пречекани од Деканот на Воената академија, полк. д-р Митко Богдановски, ред. проф. кој изрази дека му претставува чест и задоволство што овие питомци доаѓаат токму од најдобрата воена академија во светски рамки. Притоа Деканот нагласи дека ваквите активности претставуваат врвни можности за размена на искуства и продлабочување на соработката помеѓу двете институции и токму затоа се во фокусот на Воената академија. Истовремено, Деканот им посака пријатен престој и плодна работна седмица на питомците од САД, притоа претставувајќи ја програмата со активностите во кои овие питомци ќе земат учество, како посета на дел од единиците на армијата, центарот за обука на пилоти, АП Криволак и бројни знаменитости од културно-историски карактер.