On December 21, 2024, the Dean of the Military Academy hosted a delegation from Bosnia and Herzegovina, which included the Assistant Minister of Defense, the Head of the Department for International Cooperation, and a military representative. During the meeting, the participants explored directions and opportunities for further collaboration between the two institutions.
:en the vice dean hadji-janev as a plenary speaker among the elite cyber security experts during the workshop organized by the european center for security studies, george c marshal, in garmisch- partenkirchen - germany: :mk продеканот хаџи-јанев како пле
The Vice Dean Hadji-Janev as a plenary speaker among the elite cyber security experts during the Workshop organized by the European Center for Security Studies, George C Marshal, in Garmisch- Partenkirchen - GermanyПродеканот Хаџи-Јанев како пленарен предавач меѓу елитни експерти од областа на сајбер безбедоста на работилница во организација на Европскиот Центар за безбедносни студии - Џорџ Ц. Маршал, во Гармиш-Партенкирхен, Германија